Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'll Fairy Dust Your Face

I'm off to the Never Neverland (Disneyland that is) this weekend but don't know if my Peter Pan will be coming with.

Wendy, that little menacing wench, has complicated the matters. This little Tinkerbell isn't having any of it.

Here's the thing, there's a certain level of respect in a new relationship. That includes, but not limited to:

1) Distance with any Exes
2) Not bragging about old f* buddies
3) No cheating, sexting or phone sex with anyone other than your new partner

Boundaries need to be set from the beginning. I've learned over the months that surprisingly I am ready and willing to be madly in love. This does NOT mean marriage and children, just to note. This means the full development of a loving, honest and joyful relationship with someone equally engaged and willing to be fearless in the face of commitment. Someone who will stand for me and the relationship.

In my current relationship I am at a crossroads and the light is red. I have no roadmap, no way to judge my direction. This relationship has me a bit lost in the Land of Love. Is it supposed to be this complicated?

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Dying Breed

Bart, Montgomery Station, Downtown San Francisco.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm Juicin'

I'm considering going on a juicing program. No, I'm not speaking of the illegal variety.

Now we all know I am madly in love with Bikram yoga. The sweat, intensity and overall high I get from being in that room for 90 minutes is indescribable. I am a frequent yogi of Funky Door Yoga but due to the complexity of getting there sans car, I've decided to give Global Yoga a try this coming week. After reviewing their website I see they have a juicing program and I am SUPER pumped. My body is in desperate need for a detox! I'm feeling bloated, heavy and overall lacking in energy and motivation. And with the good weather right around the corner...well, it's bikini season and I'll be vain and say I want to look HOT.

The premise behind the juicing program is simply: detox, bolster the immune system and create an alkaline environment for a mostly acidic environment. In this day and age most Americans experience a heavily rich and saturated diet of acidic based foods (processed, fried, etc.) and the program claims to help promote and regenerate the alkaline reserve each body is so desperately depleted of.

Aside from the purpose of juicing the process also boasts the results of weight loss, increased intestinal (how do I say this?) cleansing and an overall physical improvement. From a period of a few days to almost two weeks, I am able to pick up 5 juices each morning that are made especially for me. I'm thinking this is brilliant, only so much because I def don't have the time to make these things on my own. To me, that's well worth the money.

Stay tuned for my weight loss extravaganza!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Time Management

This last week I started my new job that is located in South San Francisco, so needless to say there is a commute involved. Roughly an hour each way, I take the bus, Bart and a shuttle to arrive by 8:30 in the morning. This whole routine, plus the 9 hours I am at the office, takes a substantial chunk of time as you can imagine. I now juggle work, personal commitments, friends, the Boy and...oh right working out, in my daily routine. To put it mildly, working out is at the bottom of my list.

So how does a young, professional woman juggle the many avenues of her life?

I woke up to a beautiful San Francisco day and decided to lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement. I ran the Embarcadero and then did the steps up to Coit. I was exhausted! I hadn't worked out all week and I didn't enjoy huffing and puffing my way home. There must be a way to organize my time more efficiently to include everything I love. But how?

My priority list is as follows:

1. Work
2. Friends/loved ones/the Boy
3. Third party organizations/volunteering commitments
4. Working out/health plan

Now some reason I feel it needs to be reversed.

1. Working out/health plan
2. Volunteering commitments
3. Friends/loved ones/the Boy
4. Work

No...still not quite right.

Visually I've set up my calendar to be color coded and categorized. This not only helps me distinguish what and how I spend my time, but where I may need to add or delete too much of a good thing. For example, most of my days are blue indicating work related time. Now I know it is only natural my calendar will be mostly blue, considering I spend so many days there. But my friends, who are in pink, aren't too plentiful. My pink space is much more limited than my blue space. Working out, which is green, is virtually non-existent. If a stranger looked at my calendar, they would be able to tell what I value based on my color coordination. I would be embarrassed to say that my face-to-face friend time doesn't seem to be of high importance.*

I've figured out how to color code my calendar, be efficient backing up my notes with Evernote and mapping out my ideas and goals with Mindmeister, yet I am still lacking in the performance aspect. That is, a lot of what I have scheduled isn't happening. This is where I learn, rather sadly, that my enthusiasm does not trump my apparent lack of discipline. I may schedule a 6 am gym sess but I don't want to get out of the warm bed that houses my very cute Boy and his fantastic cuddling skills. I may want to see my friends for brunch on a Saturday, but I end up not leaving my house because I'm too cozy reading in bed. It's appropriate to have me time, but it's also imperative I foster the loving relationships around me. Some girls can have it all.

It's my conclusion, after all of this, that balance coupled with discipline is the key to my success. Now time to just do it!

*Just to note, though I do not have a lot of face to face time with my nearest and dearest, I am in constant communication with most of them throughout my day via text or email. I know this isn't quite the same, but I feel I needed to note that my communications are high, my physical abilities are limited by time and space, and that thing called physics.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's Not Official Till it's on Facebook

The current trend of making it "official" on FB seems to be the only way we boys and girls confirm or deny a relationship. To many of us, putting our relationship status on FB solidifies the couplehood that we have declared. To others it's seen as obtrusive and too much information. I'm torn, as most of my life is on the internet I wonder if I should add this little bit of info or not.

Now, I'm not all for disclosing names and making a big deal out of who I'm dating yet at the same time, as all my friends seem to be disclosing their partners to the millions of users online, I tend to wonder about my own status. I'm not single. I'm definitely in a relationship. I'm loving what these last few weeks have brought me and loving the time spent with this man of mine. Since when did a status get so complicated?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's Official

Now I know I may not be as voluptuous, red-headed or sensual as Miss Joan Holloway from Mad Men but over the next few months she will be mentor as I embark on an exciting career change.

I've currently been signed on as the EA to a CEO of a large software tech firm in the Bay Area and couldn't be more excited! I will be using Joan as my fashion icon and mentor as I enter the workforce. I know, I know...I'm so much more of a Betty! But isn't it fun to play dress up?

Quote of the Day

"Women may be able to fake orgasms, but men can fake an entire relationship" - Sharon Stone

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some Men...

Are like fire hydrants, they just let women pee all over them.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vintage Beauty

Paint your lips a violent shade of red, pour yourself a glass of champagne and tune Pandora to anything by Tony Bennett or Frank Sinatra. Lie back on your chaise lounge (if you don't have one, find one!) and bask in the glory that is your beauty.

I fundamentally believe that our society has taken women in the wrong direction when it comes to feeling sexy. The images we are given, day in and day out, are not only irrational but they are also typically unattainable. Saying that, no matter what size you are or how you feel about your shape, I believe that a woman should feel great from the moment she puts on her first piece of clothing, which is typically the infamous bra and panties. Why not feel sexy from the moment you touch clothing to skin?

Dollhouse Bettie's is an absolute wonderful location for not only sexy lingerie but also deliciously sweet nighties and gowns. From vintage to current trends, they have everything you are looking for. Garter belts, satin gowns and robes, bra and pantie sets, lace, bows, ribbon...What more to please the senses than the touch of these on your skin? The staff are more than helpful and give you plenty of space and time to try on whatever you need and desire.

I highly recommend this little shop and look forward to coming back soon. And ladies, let's bring sexy back, not for others but for ourselves!

*Photo courtesy of Dollhouse Bettie

Confessions on Bloglovin!

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Be Fearful and You Will Be Lonesome

As of recently, I've been living into the future. Now, I'm not saying this is such a bad thing. Using the future to guide you can be productive and ward off ill-advised decisions. At the same time, the way that I was living into the future has prevented me from enjoying fully the present. And I have a lot of things to enjoy these days.

One of the great things that I have going on in my life is a new relationship with a guy that I not only respect and love as a dear friend, but find insanely attractive. Lucky for me, he's agreed to hang out with me and my pathetic crush exclusively. Go figure! But here's the problem, I don't really believe him when he says he wants to be with me. Silly right? Funny how insecurities can ruin a good thing. As for this man, he's quick to tell me to get off it and enjoy what we have. I persist with the fear that he'll dump me, which really means I am digging my own grave. Solution? Stop letting the fear (which I deem as real and it is NOT) write my future but instead in each moment create the space for an amazing relationship to take form.

Fear is a tangled web we create in a world that has grown excessively chaotic and muddled. With all the technology, news blasts and twitter updates, our minds are constantly focused on the ever present dangers and ramblings of society. Some fears, like the fear of being mauled to death by a bear who is growling in front of you, is very real. Others, like the ones I created above and the like, are completely and utterly useless as they are created in the mind. I am letting my insecurities create and feed the growing fire of fear. This is where I take action, recognize the type of fear I possess and come to place of surprising simplicity. This quotes sums it up:

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.”~Joan Rivers